Business Burnout Test

The Tier 3 Blog

Tier 3: Mastering Entrepreneurial Freedom and Growth

Your ultimate resource for mastering the top level of the XOS™ method. This blog is dedicated to helping successful entrepreneurs scale their businesses, reclaim their time, and maximize value without sacrificing personal freedom. Dive into expert insights, actionable strategies, and inspiring stories that will guide you on your journey to becoming a Tier 3 Entrepreneur. Whether you're looking to streamline operations, delegate effectively, or prepare for a lucrative exit, Tier 3 offers the tools and knowledge you need to elevate your business and life.

5 Tactical Exercises to Strengthen Your Business Today

action planning business optimization cash flow analysis customer feedback local seo practical business tips tactical business exercises time management xos method Oct 16, 2024

It's The Real Jason Duncan here, and you've heard me talk about strategies and long-term planning, but today, we're focusing on the here and now. 

I'm gonna give you five tactical exercises you can do THIS WEEK to strengthen your business.

Ready to dive in? Let's go!

Exercise 1: Conduct a Quick Cash Flow Analysis

Time needed: 30-60 minutes

Action Items:

  1. Pull up your bank statements for the last three months.

  2. List out all your income sources and the average monthly amount from each.

  3. List all your expenses, categorizing them as fixed or variable.

  4. Subtract your total expenses from your total income.

  5. If the result is positive, great! If it's negative, identify two expenses you can cut or reduce immediately.

Pro tip: To streamline your cash flow management and get even more detailed insights, consider using Relay, the sponsor of my podcast. Relay is an online business banking and money management platform that helps small businesses take control of their cash flow. With Relay, you can create up to 20 individual accounts to organize your income, expenses, and cash reserves. This makes exercises like our cash flow analysis much easier and more effective. Plus, Relay offers no account fees, no minimum balances, and integrates directly with accounting software like QuickBooks Online and Xero. Check them out here and see how they can help you get crystal clear on what you're earning, spending, and saving.

Exercise 2: Perform a "Time Audit"

Time needed: One full workday

Action Items:

  1. From the moment you start work tomorrow, note down every task you do and how long it takes. Be specific!

  2. At the end of the day, categorize each task: 

    1. A – Critical for business growth 

    2. B – Important but could be delegated 

    3. C – Time-waster that should be eliminated

  3. Identify your top three time-wasters and make a plan to eliminate or minimize them.

  4. Find two "B" tasks you can delegate next week.

Remember, your time is your most valuable asset. Use it wisely!

Pro tip: If you want a step-by-step procedure for learning how to delegate, click here to get my free Delegation Cheat Sheet.

Exercise 3: Conduct Three Customer Interviews

Time needed: 45-60 minutes

Action Items:

  1. Reach out to three customers – one new, one long-term, and one who hasn't purchased in a while.

  2. Ask them these five questions:

    • What made you choose our product/service?

    • What's one thing we do better than our competitors?

    • What's one thing we could improve?

    • What additional product/service do you wish we offered?

    • Would you recommend us to a friend? Why or why not?

  3. Look for patterns in their responses and identify one immediate action you can take based on their feedback.

Bonus: Offer a small discount or freebie as a thank-you for their time.

Exercise 4: Optimize Your Google My Business Listing

Time needed: 30 minutes

Action Items:

  1. Go to Google My Business and claim your listing if you haven't already.

  2. Ensure all information is up-to-date (address, phone, hours, etc.).

  3. Add at least five high-quality photos of your business, products, or team.

  4. Write a 250-300 word business description that includes your main keywords.

  5. Set up a system to respond to all new reviews within 24 hours.

This simple exercise can significantly boost your local SEO and online visibility!

Exercise 5: Create a 30-Day Action Plan

Time needed: 60 minutes

Action Items:

  1. List your top three business goals for the next 90 days.

  2. For each goal, write down three specific actions you can take in the next 30 days to move closer to that goal.

  3. Assign each action a deadline within the 30-day period.

  4. Identify any resources or help you'll need to complete each action.

  5. Schedule these actions in your calendar right now.

Remember, a goal without a plan is just a wish. This exercise turns your goals into concrete actions!

The XOS™ Method Connection

You might be wondering how these tactical exercises tie into the bigger picture of exit planning and the XOS™ Method. Here's the connection:

Each of these exercises helps you build a more valuable, efficient, and scalable business. 

Whether you're planning to sell in the near future or not, these are the kinds of practices that make your business more attractive to potential buyers and more enjoyable for you to run.

The XOS™ Method is all about creating a business that can thrive without your constant involvement. By implementing these tactical exercises, you're taking concrete steps towards that goal.

Want to Dive Deeper?

If you found these exercises helpful and want more personalized tactics for your specific business, I'm here to help. I offer a free 20-minute compatibility call where we can discuss your unique situation and see if we're a good fit to work together.

Just click here to schedule it.

No pressure, just a conversation about taking your business to the next level – with practical, actionable steps tailored to you.

Final Thoughts

Remember, the key to business success isn't just about big strategies – it's also about consistent, intentional actions. 

By completing these exercises, you're not just improving your business today; you're building habits that will serve you well into the future.

Now, go take action! I can't wait to hear about your results.

Here's to your success!

The Real Jason Duncan 🚀


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