Lessons Learned in Hell

growth mindset purpose resilience trust Jun 03, 2024

What Did I Learn in Hell?

One of my good friends reached out to me on New Year's Day and asked me what lessons I learned from the process.

At that point, I was still reeling from all of the trauma, and I hadn't really thought about what I had learned.

But since then, I've had time to sit down and really think about what I've learned.

So in a series of newsletters that will be coming out over the next few weeks, I'm going to take you on a journey of transparent reflection on the storm I encountered in 2023.

I'm going to give you a glimpse into my personal experiences, and what they taught me over these past few months.

And these lessons aren't just about business; they are about life, relationships, and the pursuit of genuine success. (See the list of the 10 things I learned below.)

Life has a way of teaching us some of its most important lessons during challenging times.

I've always said that failure is a much better teacher than success.

Well, if that's true, I've been under the tutelage of one of the greatest teachers in the world over the last 90 days because I've experienced more failure in 90 days than I've experienced in my entire life.

These lessons are not just for me; they are for all of us who dare to dream, who strive for success, and who, like me, have felt the sting of adversity.

The Top 10 Lessons I Learned in 2023

Lesson 1: Trust, but Verify

One of the fundamental lessons I've learned is the importance of trust with a dash of caution. Trusting people is crucial, but it's equally important to verify that trust. Blind faith can lead to unexpected challenges, and it's a balance I'm determined to strike moving forward. I'll dive into this deeper below...

Lesson 2: Temper Your Ambitions

Sometimes, we get so caught up in chasing distant goals that we overlook the simple blessings right in front of us. It's essential to set ambitious goals, but not to the point where they become detrimental to our well-being. Moderation in ambition can lead to a more content and fulfilled life.

Lesson 3: Recognize the Poison of Self-Consciousness

Caring too much about what others think can be a silent poison that affects our choices and happiness. I've realized the importance of staying true to myself and focusing on the opinions of those who truly matter, like family and close friends.

Lesson 4: Understand the Truth about Debt and Leverage

My perspective on debt and leverage has evolved. It's not about never borrowing money, but rather using it wisely. There's a sweet spot between avoiding debt entirely and recklessly overleveraging, and finding that balance is key.

Lesson 5: Appreciate the Importance of Leverage in Business Relationships

I've learned that having leverage in business relationships is vital. Allowing others to hold too much power can lead to undesirable outcomes. It's crucial to maintain a balanced dynamic to ensure mutual success.

Lesson 6: Discover the Power in Exercising Your True Purpose

Exercising your true purpose doesn't always mean making a massive impact on the world. It can be about making a positive difference in your corner of the world, whether it's through your work or daily actions. Quality over quantity.

Lesson 7: Harness the Power of Mindset

Mindset matters. Over the past year, I delved deep into the world of mindset and its impact on our lives. It's incredible how our thoughts can shape our reality. Developing a resilient and positive mindset is a game-changer.

Lesson 8: Uncover the Secret about Loyalty and Betrayal

Loyalty isn't always what it seems. People you think are loyal may not stand by you in challenging times. It's essential to test loyalty and understand who truly has your back when the going gets tough.

Lesson 9: Value the Importance of Financial Reporting

In the world of business, financial reporting is key. Keeping a close eye on your numbers can help you make informed decisions and avoid potential pitfalls. It's a lesson I've learned the hard way.

Lesson 10: Overcome the Thief Called Worry

Worry is a thief of joy and productivity. It accomplishes nothing but steals your peace of mind. I've come to understand that worrying doesn't change outcomes; it only robs you of your present moments.


Pretty heavy stuff, huh?

Well, let's tackle the first lesson more in-depth in today's newsletter. I'll share the others in upcoming newsletters.

 1️⃣ Lesson #1: Trust, but Verify 🤝

Today, let's delve into the first lesson that this season of my life has etched into my heart—a lesson about trust and verification.

You've probably heard the old saying, "Trust, but verify."

This storm of life has helped me understand how true it is.

It's a lesson that cuts to the core of business operations and, more importantly, the essence of trust itself.

Actually, "Trust, but verify" is an old Russian proverb that gained fame when President Ronald Reagan used it in 1987 during nuclear disarmament talks with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.

Though Reagan hoped to work with Gorbachev to reduce weapons, he knew better than to simply accept promises at face value.

While Reagan applied this concept to politics and nuclear weapons, it's broadly useful advice–advice I wish I had heeded before a nuclear bomb 💣 of sorts went off in my business last year. 

One of the things I've learned about myself is that I trust people way too much.

And it's not that I don't believe that I should trust people, but it's that my trust was unwavering and based on false assumptions.

The events of the past 90 days showed me that trust, though vital, should always be accompanied by verification.

Trust without verification can lead to unintended consequences and even disaster. 💥

That's what happened in my situation.

I simply trusted people too much without verifying that they were doing what I thought they should be doing.

Trust without verification is like navigating a ship without a compass – you may stay on course for a while, but eventually, you will drift off course.

And the results can be disastrous.

In this fast-paced and dynamic business world, the importance of trust cannot be overstated.

However, it's equally crucial to temper that trust with a healthy dose of verification.

As I've personally learned, blind trust can lead to unexpected challenges and setbacks.

So, here's your actionable takeaway: in your business and life, strive for a balance between trust and verification.

It's a recipe for success and resilience in the face of adversity.

In the coming weeks, I'll be diving deeper into goal setting and strategies for success on my podcast, The Root of All Success.

I invite you to join me on this journey and explore what success means to you in 2024.

Thank you for your incredible support, and for being a part of this incredible community.

Together, we can turn challenges into opportunities and make 2024 a year filled with growth, resilience, and remarkable success.

 Here's to your success,

The Real Jason Duncan 🚀 


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